It's the 4th of July and I've never been so happy to fly the American flag. Living on a Spanish military base means we're not permitted to fly our nation's flag
EXCEPT for a few days during the first week in July. Funny how simple things like flying a flag can take on a whole new meaning when one's circumstances change.
I'd very much taken for granted my freedom to fly the American flag before moving to Spain. When we lived in the States, we flew the flag virtually every day, depending on the weather. It's just something we've always done. Our home isn't totally complete without the flag. The main reason behind our desire to fly the Stars and Stripes is because we're a military family. Patriotism is alive and well in our home.
Our military base held a flag raising ceremony on Thursday, 2 July. My youngest son and I attended and I'm so glad we did. The other two members of our family were in different parts of the world... one in England at Boy Scout camp and the other in the Middle East on official business. Sure wish they could have been here to watch the ceremony with us.

Officials are in place in anticipation of the raising of the American flag, our nation's symbol of freedom.

Military members were in uniform, standing in formation, waiting to see Old Glory.

I love watching the flag being unfurled. It's always, as it should be, handled with great care and reverence.

They're getting ready to raise her.

There she goes! I already had tears in my eyes at this point. How can one not be moved by the raising of the flag? I can't help but think of the courage and sacrifice of those who came before us, fighting for the freedom we enjoy today.

I felt such exhilaration to see our nation's beautiful flag waving in the breeze on foreign soil. It's a great privilege to fly her here and I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to witness this event. As the
Star Spangled Banner played, tears just flowed. I always get choked up hearing our national anthem, but it seemed more dramatic and meaningful to me on this day.

Thought we were finished, huh? We attended another flag raising following the official base ceremony, and this time my son participated. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts joined together for this event, thus M wore his uniform.

The boys posed with the official base flag first. The Scouts were given permission to lower this flag for a short time so they could perform their ceremony, and then it was once again raised.

Saluting the flag

The boys helped prepare their flag to be raised.

The Scouts' flag was considerably smaller than the base flag, but it's equally nice to see it flying.

After the Cub Scouts' flag was lowered, they were shown how to fold it properly.

The Boy Scouts performed their own flag raising ceremony while the Cub Scouts watched and saluted.
Check out the video...

There were six Scouts altogether, three Boy Scouts and three Cub Scouts. M is on the far right. They were a small group for sure, but lots of kids, my oldest included, were at camp, and others were traveling or had recently moved.

M and I pose together.
Happy Independence Day, everyone! Fly your flags with pride today and every day. God Bless America!