Thursday, December 20, 2007

When I was in school....

Kids today don't know how lucky they are, and as I type those words I can hear my parents saying the exact same thing to me when I was younger. Scary, ain't it? Anyway...

The topic of interest today is school cafeteria food options. If you don't have school-age children, then you might not know there are actually options. Students at our kids' school have the choice of 4 different menu items every day, and then they have a choice of two side dishes as well.

A couple of nights ago I read the following day's lunch menu to the boys so they could tell me whether they wanted to eat what the cafeteria was serving or pack their lunches. My husband was commenting on how nice it was they had all these different food options. The boys had no idea what he meant.

He explained, "When I was in school, there weren't any options. They had one menu and you ate what they were serving or you were outta luck."

David, our 11-year-old, pipes up and says, "Like in prison?"

Things that make you go "Hmmmm..."

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