...and look who's cookin' it!

While at Boy Scout camp, D learned how to bake apples and he wanted to prove it to us last night.

Here D basically semi-cores four apples. Be careful, big man! I know my son is a Boy Scout, and he's earned his "whittling chip," therefore he's allowed to use a knife, but I'll admit it still makes me a little nervous, especially when the knife is sharp.

D sprinkled sugar and cinnamon in the top of each apple and placed them in the oven. They baked at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes.

It's time! They're done!

D was excited to have made these all by himself.

Mmmm... the apples were divine! Good job, D! I'm definitely seeing the benefit in Boy Scout camp. Hmmm... what else did you learn to cook?
OMG those look divine!
They were!
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