Friday, August 24, 2007

Got Sweet Tea?

I confess that I have an addiction. I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol or anything dangerous or illegal. My addiction is to sweet iced tea. There, I've said it... I can't help it, but I absolutely LOVE sweet iced tea! Always have, always will. I grew up drinking the stuff, and in our family, we like "a little tea with our sugar." Mind you, it's real sugar too, and nothing else will do. Oh, I'll drink sweet tea at someone else's house (to be polite, of course) or at a restaurant, and it might happen to be sweetened with something other than real sugar, but if I'm making the tea, you can bet I'll be using the real stuff.

I'm totally loving the fact that many restaurants, particularly fast-food joints, are now offering sweet iced tea. You can get a sweet tea fix from McDonald's, Taco Bell, Texas BBQ Factory, Captain D's and of course Chick-fil-A (They've served great sweet tea for a very long time now). There may be others I'm just not aware of yet. If so, please enlighten me because I like to know where I can get a good sweet iced tea when I'm out and about.

Many say that sweet iced tea is a southern thing, and I suppose it is, although I think I like my tea even sweeter than most southerners. My kids love it too. So are we all going to become diabetics or have rotten, yellow-stained teeth? I certainly hope not, but some things are just worth the risk, aren't they? If it ain't sweet tea, it's just dirty water.

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