Monday, August 3, 2009

Groundhog Day... still

Yep, it's Groundhog Day, which means we're still in Rota. The Space-A gods clearly aren't smiling on us. In fact, it feels like they're poking us in the eyes with very sharp sticks.

We returned to the passenger terminal at 1am this morning to wait for a flight, only to find out there was a problem with the toilets on board the plane, something about not being able to flush them. I kept thinking they could simply avoid the problem by handing out Depends to everyone. Hey, it's one solution, right? Don't worry... I haven't completely lost my mind... yet. I didn't actually make the suggestion.

We obviously didn't get on the original flight, but there was a second option leaving just a short time after, and even though it was going to take us several hours out of our way, it was headed to the east coast of the States. We were committed to getting on that flight.

We got on this second flight and were even airborne, but about an hour into the flight, the plane started experiencing maintenance issues and we had to divert right back to Rota. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I'm starting to think the Lord doesn't want us to go to the States.

Our kids are wiped out and disappointed. I'm so tired I can't sleep. My poor husband has scheduled and rescheduled car rentals several times now due to all the flight changes, and he continues to search for other possible flying options. Flying commercial is simply too expensive at this late date (nearly $8000 for the four of us), so that's out.

My husband says today is quite the orientation for our family to experience a typical C-5 crew duty day. I could have done without the orientation, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for the hard time you are having getting space A!! I have heard that it can be difficult. I had no idea!! I'll say a little prayer!! O:)