I love Maxine, the wise-crackin', hilarious ol' lady who graces many a card (among tons of other items) in Hallmark stores all over the country. She's got attitude and she tells it like it is. Somedays I'd love to be more like her... confident, fearless, witty and just flat honest. Here's a little taste of that sassy broad...

I don't personally have this problem, but I know people who do, God love 'em.

I'm just old enough to have gotten out of college and started a family before any job I had required me to learn the art of Power Point presentations. My 13-year-old knows so much more than I do in this department. My knowledge and ability level is closer to Maxine's.

Okay, I know this is ugly, but it's funny too. Sometimes you just want to tell off the mean people of the world, you know? And Maxine does it so well, doesn't she?
Every day needs to begin with a little Maxine humor, don't you think? Consider this my good deed for the day. ☺
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