Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Blessings

I'm busy. It's the Christmas holiday season and there are too many things to do... Too many activities. Too many parties. Too much decorating. Too much baking. Too many cards to address. Too many gifts to buy. Too many obligations. Too many expectations. Too much overeating. Too much of lots of things... PERIOD.

Does all that sound familiar to you? Are you feeling the same way? I'm feeling stretched very thin and we're just starting the second week in December. I'm simply not ready for this holiday season! I knew it was coming, but it still crept upon me like a thief in the night.

I can't seem to kick it into high gear and crank out those Christmas cards in no time like I used to do. I don't seem to have the motivation to finish my decorating. I purchased nearly everyone on our gift list a gift card online (At least SOMETHING is done!) because I had no idea what to get for people (especially here in Spain) and I didn't want to stand in line to fill out customs forms and pay double shipping.

We have a very full calendar, not unlike most of you, I'm sure, and I have little desire to attend the functions to which we've been invited. Why? I don't know. I'm tired and my feet hurt and I won't want to dress up one more time. I feel like Scrooge these days! Bah humbug!

Then I think about a couple dealing with a terminal illness and the likelihood that this will be their last Christmas together, or if they even have that long. I'm sure they would love to be experiecing the "busy-ness" of the holiday season rather than wondering, "Will this be the day?"

I think about my girlfriend who, just this week, lost her father to cancer. This is the man she never really knew, but thank God, had the chance to develop a relationship with during the last days of his life. I'm sure she would love to have been able to share the holidays with him in a way that she never had before, as a family.

I think about my military girlfriends who are lonely right now because their husbands are currently serving in places far from home and will not be spending Christmas with their families this year. I've been through that and understand how difficult it can be.

So... I'm going to work on putting aside my petty complaints, focusing on the reason for the season and counting my many blessings this Christmas. Now... where is that box of decorations?

1 comment:

Bethie said...

I have had these same thoughts several times over the last few years. I have found it hard to get the decorations out -- this year we may not have any...just no energy.
But Wil and I are trying to give to others -- even if it's just a little. Drop a few coins in the Salvation Army bucket or the collection jar at the restaurants. We have so much to be thankful for -- we want to give to those who aren't so fortunate.