Sunday, October 18, 2009

How can it be October 18th?

Today is October 18th, and I ask you, "How is that possible?" It seems as if I blinked my eyes and over half of the month disappeared. Please tell me I'm not alone in feeling as though time is flying by at warp speed!

I started pondering why this month is getting away from me so quickly and I came up with a few reasons...

1) We have children. Anyone with children is busy. Period. Children require work.

2) Our children are currently playing soccer, which means practices and games X 2 every week.

3) Our children are active in Scouting... one is a Cub Scout and the other is a Boy Scout, which equates to two nights out per week for meetings, plus multiple fundraisers this month.

4) Our 7th grader's homework is taking over our very lives. I'm not kidding.

5) There have been multiple social events this month, to include a Tops in
Blue concert, a hail & farewell, homecoming, etc.

6) I decorated our house for fall.

7) I've been shopping online for Halloween costumes as the NEX doesn't have what my kids want. Naturally.

8) One whole day was recently devoted to the writing of thank you notes for birthday gifts. The boys simply won't do it unless they're hounded. Once they get started, they're fine, but it would never dawn on them to do it without being asked. Will it ever?

9) We've provided snacks for at least three events, and will do so again this week. I think I'll just ask to have my mail forwarded to the commissary since that's where I seem to spend most of my time.

10) I've attended Bible study weekly, participated in a couple of spouses' gatherings, went to stamp club, attended a chapel council meeting, and took the boys to the dentist and the orthodontist.

11) We took a weekend trip to Lisbon, Portugal.

12) We've had some computer issues, which brought about the moving of LOTS of photos (among other things) to another computer.

13) I've been cropping and retouching more than 600 photos from our Portugal trip in preparation of posting some on Facebook and here on my blog. I may need a new glasses prescription before it's all said and done.

14) I've started planning an upcoming event with a friend, as well as my Christmas shopping.

15) I have laundry. Can't forget laundry! I could do laundry every day. We're dirty, filthy people, I tell you! We must be, or else the hampers wouldn't be full every other day.

I guess I should be happy that so much is going on in our lives, right? My mom tells me she misses the days when all of us kids were at home and she was virtually running her own taxi service, driving us from one place to another. She says those were some of the happiest days of her life. I suppose I can understand her point. One day I might feel the same way. That seems reasonable and quite likely. Right now, however, I'd like to have NOTHING to do and NOWHERE to be... just for a while anyway.

1 comment:

Meryl's said...

Amen Sister. Busy busy busy but I agree totally with your Mom. I will miss these days as I already miss buzzing around for my older two kiddos who are now in college. I'd gladly do nothing with you too.