Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moving Mania

I just realized today is my 200th post. Maybe that means it's a lucky day or something. I guess we'll see. Anyway... on to the real reason I'm here posting today...

We stayed in the hotel last night and it was actually very pleasant. We had dinner at Houlihan's, the restaurant in the hotel, and it was very good. We had to walk through the hotel lobby in order to get to the restaurant and there was a camera crew interviewing someone from a group of foreign soccer players staying there. I did my best to avoid the camera as I looked like something the cat dragged in. Trust me, I was quite a sight! It would be just my luck to end up on national television when I look my very worst. It's Murphy's Law... You know, you go to the grocery store in your sweatpants with no makeup and hair standing on end, 'cause you're just going to grab a gallon of milk, and lo' and behold, you see 10 people you know.

I stayed up WAY too late watching the Olympics last night. I couldn't help myself. I'm so infatuated with Michael Phelps and his athletic prowess and swimming ability. He makes Aquaman look like a girly man, doesn't he? It was totally worth staying up late to watch him take home two more gold medals and smash another couple of world records. It's all in a day's work for Michael Phelps. He da man!

I'll just say it here... Ear plugs are the bomb! When you have four people sleeping in the same hotel room, it can get a little noisy. Of course I think I make most of the noise, but I don't know that when I'm asleep. Our little man is a heavy breather when he sleeps, so I needed ear plugs to drown out the racket, and I slept very peacefully. God bless the individual who invented these puppies!

Before retiring for the evening, my husband arranged for me to rent a car right there at the hotel. How convenient the whole deal was! He was able to reserve a vehicle for me online after hours and then I just had to go downstairs this morning to sign the paperwork and get the keys to the car. The whole reason we're renting a car for a few days is because my husband still has to go in to work for outprocessing and of course this morning he needed to be at the house to meet the folks loading our household goods on the truck. It was going to be too early for the boys, so we decided a rental car would be beneficial during these next few days before we move. Well...

I go downstairs to pick up the rental car and all is going smoothly until the girl (Yes, GIRL... She looked like she was 12!) escorted us to the Altima we're renting and showed me the proper way to start the car. It uses one of those keyless start buttons, but you have to push in on the brake and... let's just say it confused me because I'd never driven a car like this before. She showed me what to do, I thought I was good to go and she left me in the parking lot to be on my merry way. I proceeded to hook up Betsy, our GPS, and then I attempted to start the car. Nothing happened. I thought I remembered everything the attendant showed me, but for the life of me, I couldn't get the doggone car to start. In the meantime, I'm starting to pour sweat because it's HOT in the car and the boys start to complain they're hot as well. I had to go back inside and confess to the girl and all the young hot chicks working there that I was a moron and needed another tutorial on how to start the car. I'm sure they all had a good laugh at this "old lady" after I was gone. I finally figured it out, and none too soon, as I was about to have a mini-meltdown. Did I mention in my last post that I'm currently suffering from PMS?

Now we're at the house and the moving folks are loading the truck. The boys are begging to have a neighbor friend over to play on the Wii. I'm not in to watching someone else's kid while my house is in total disarray and everything is chaotic. If that's selfish of me, then so be it. Hey, I have an excuse. I have PMS! Nothing else matters right now.

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