Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where were you?

Yesterday I had a couple of appointments and several errands to run, and I ended up not making it home before the boys got out of school. I tried and tried to call the house to tell them where I was, and that I'd be home soon, but all I got was voice mail. I tried calling my husband to see if he'd heard from the boys. All I got was his voice mail. I thought to myself it was a good thing I didn't have some kind of emergency.

I drove home, and just as I was entering our cul-de-sac, I saw both of the boys outside playing with neighbor kids. I pulled up next to them, and in a rather indignant tone my oldest asked, "Where WERE you?"

Where was I? Where was I? Are you kidding me?

In the nicest voice I could muster, which probably bordered on being just slightly sarcastic (I know you're surprised), I answered, "Where was I? Where were YOU? I called twice and no one answered the phone. How am I supposed to tell you where I am when you're not in the house?"

I guess the look on my face and the slightly sarcastic tone of my voice were enough to stop my son from further comment. His response was simply "Oh."

I told him I'd been to the commissary and had groceries to put away. He followed me home and jumped right in to help, something I normally would have to ask him to do. Hmmm... maybe I need to use this strategy more often, huh?

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