Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Kids really do say some of the cutest things, don't they? Our youngest son had something incredibly sweet and innocent to share with us a few days ago...

Our oldest son has somehow, during all of our military moves, managed to escape cursive handwriting. He's had some instruction, but none of his teachers have ever required him to write in cursive for anything other than handwriting practice. He's going into 5th grade (TOMORROW!) and doesn't really know how to write in cursive. I've been working with him a little this summer to try to get him ready for the possibility of having to write only in cursive this school year. Everyone really should learn how, don't you think?

One day while our son was practicing cursive writing, he commented on the fact that it was a little hard. I told him I understood, but it really wasn't that big of a deal once he'd had plenty of practice and I just knew he could do it. Our youngest son was listening in, and somehow the conversation turned to being able to do anything with the help of Jesus. Then the little man piped up and said, "I'll bet Jesus can write in cursive!"

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