Friday, April 18, 2008

He's Growing Up

My oldest son is growing up entirely too fast. We have this discussion all the time and I always tell him he's not allowed to grow anymore, that he must stay this size and age forever, but he continues to disobey and just keeps growing and maturing. Need proof? He became a Boy Scout last week. How's that for disobedience? What am I going to do with that boy?

It feels as if I've blinked and this little boy became a young man. He's 11 years old and he's intelligent, articulate, imaginative, empathetic, energetic, witty and so much more. My oldest kiddo knows so much more than I did at his age. He's growing up in the computer era, and schools are teaching kids more at a younger age. He's doing math in the 5th grade that I didn't do until high school! I'm so impressed with his level of knowledge and understanding.

There's the serious side of my son and then there's the goofball, fun-loving side as well. He knows how to have fun and his laughter is absolutely infectious. My mom frequently talks about how much she loves the laughter of my boys when we visit them, and how much she misses it when the boys are gone. I love that my kids are happy, carefree and content to just be kids and live in the moment.

I think about the many moves my son has endured as our family continues to lead this somewhat nomadic military lifestyle, and how he's always accepted whatever situation he's faced with and never given us a moment's trouble. It's just the kind of kid he is. His dad and I give credit to God for giving him courage and strength to face new situations.

This boy of mine is knowledgeable about the Bible and has the ability to apply Christian principles to his own life. We've been blessed with some awesome kids' programs in the various churches we've attended over the years. While I loved the church I grew up in, I don't think children's Christian education was particularly emphasized. It's amazing to me what kids can comprehend, accept and apply in the way of Christian faith. My son is learning what it means to live his life for the Lord and nothing makes me happier than knowing Jesus lives in his heart. I pray he'll continue to walk in this path and allow Jesus to guide him in every aspect of his life.
My big man is thoughtful of other kids, particularly younger kids. There are kids at church and at the ballfield who flock to him when they see him. They know he'll play with them and allow them to crawl and climb on him. He's gentle with the little people, even when they're not so gentle with him. I guess that comes from having a younger brother, who, by the way, adores his older brother. The little guy would be lost without his older brother. They're the best of buddies. Makes me dread the day the big man flies out of our nest.
Thankfully we have a few years before our oldest leaves us to find his way in the world. In the meantime, I plan on enjoying this time, watching him learn to fly a little higher with each passing day. I'm intrigued by his metamorphosis, changing and growing and learning, right before my eyes. What a privilege it is to be his mother!

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