Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pound Cake

I made my first-ever pound cake last week (I know, can you believe I'd never made one before now?) and I'll have to say that it was both easy to do and absolutely fabulous. Yes, I'm shamelessly bragging and I know it and don't care. It's THAT good!

Of course I have a whole new appreciation for and understanding of the name "POUND cake" because I have come to know that it can add some serious pounds to my backside. I can't stay away from it once I know it's in the house. Folks, in case you didn't comprehend my meaning before, allow me to repeat myself... It's THAT good!

The recipe I used is my husband's grandmother's recipe. I never knew this wonderful woman because she passed away before I entered the picture. My mother-in-law gave me the recipe a few months ago, after I'd made mention that I LOVED it more than my children (Well, not that much, but doggone close!) when she and her sister made me one for my birthday.

I've known this recipe was precious, sacred and invaluable to my mother-in-law's family, and I never actually expected anyone to share the recipe with me. After all, I'm an in-law, right? But my mother-in-law evidently has welcomed me into the inner sanctum. I'm having flashbacks from the movie "Meet the Parents" when Ben Stiller's character realizes the importance of the "circle of trust." I feel as if I've been given the big "thumbs up" and now I'm considered one of the clan. Okay, so it only took me nearly 13 years of marriage to get there, but by golly, I'm there! I'm there!

And if you think I'm going to share that recipe, you can just dream on. Never! I don't want to risk being shunned by the family. I don't know what other recipes they may be holding back, waiting to make sure I've proven myself worthy before they pass them along to me. Nope, sorry, I just can't risk it. Hey, it's THAT good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell me your true feelings about the taste of the pound cake!?!?!?! :):):):):) You are such a great blogger!! I look forward to your postings.

I have two favorite pound cake recipes, one very easy and simple (my grandmother's, didn't think anyone could top that one) and one with sour cream in it ( favorite teacher that I worked with looooong ago shared that one), so very moist, so yummy, that one calls my name, and it is amazing how I rationalize that it is ok to eat that pound cake 3xs a does have all the basic food groups.