Saturday, September 13, 2008

That's my boy!

Last night our family attended a neighborhood party. Our kids were included in the invitation and they were ever so excited to be joining all the other kids in our cul-de-sac.

All was going well in that we were enjoying adult conversation while the kids were either playing Game Cube inside or running around outside. The hostess is one of my youngest son's Sunday school teachers and her husband happens to be a pretty important person on our base. She leaned over and told me that my little man had just helped water her grass.

It took me a second to understand what my new friend and neighbor was trying to tell me because the grass is very dry here and residents water their lawns like crazy to get them to stay green. What she was REALLY trying to tell me is that my little man had decided to take a whiz in her yard (a day later and I'm still blushing).

Yes, you heard me correctly. Our sweet, normally polite young son peed in the neighbors' yard. Not only did he pee in their yard, but he peed out in the open where there were lights shining on him, for all the world to see. He couldn't even be discreet about it!

Needless to say, we were slightly mortified, but thankfully, our new friend and neighbor just laughed about it and later told our heathen child to pick a darker, more private place to do his business next time. Yep, that's my boy! I'm so proud!

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