Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Exercising restraint

Today I went to the commissary, and as I was placing my items on the conveyor belt to be scanned and bagged, an employee approached me and asked if I wanted a whole case of Snickers candy bars for only $1.80. I must have given her quite a confused look because she repeated the amount. Evidently they have ordered Snickers in excess and are trying to get rid of them.

I thought about it for only a second before declining the offer. Mind you, I LOVE Snickers! But then I thought about having an entire case of them in my house and could envision eating them, one after another, until I was sick, and... I. JUST. SAID. NO!

I paid for my groceries and got the heck out of there before I changed my mind. Right now I'm feeling rather proud of myself for exercising such restraint, but tomorrow, when I'm craving something chocolate and sinful, I'll be kicking myself for passing up such an awesome deal.

1 comment:

Amanda J said...

I would not have been able to exercise such restraint. I would have said "Sure. I'll take two."