Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random complaints

It never fails... I go to the bathroom to do my "business," go to grab a wad of toilet paper and there are maybe four squares left, hardly enough to finish the job. Why is there seemingly NEVER any toilet paper remaining on the roll when I have to go to the bathroom? It's probably because my kids use practically the whole roll in just one trip to the bathroom, thus the recent blog regarding clogged toilets.

Same thing with paper towels in the kitchen. I go to clean up a mess of one kind or another and, lo' and behold, there's either one paper towel remaining on the roll or none altogether. Naturally someone has to replace the roll, so it might as well be me, right? It's my job. I live for it.

Here's a little test question for you....

What would you do if you ate the last Pop Tart in the box?
a) Throw the box away.
b) Put the box back in the pantry.

My children evidently think "b" is the correct answer, however, I assure you, "a" is the correct answer. This happens a lot at our house. What's so difficult about throwing away an empty box? I'll never understand the reasoning in putting the box back in the pantry.

Same thing with drinking the last bit of ANYTHING in the refrigerator. Why, in God's name, would you put it back in the refrigerator? I just don't get it!

My children and I have differing opinions on what's clean and what's not clean. When asked to clean and organize their rooms, they pick up clothing items and occasionally hang or fold them, but usually they just put them in the hamper, even the clean clothes because it's easier. The toys and trinkets and so forth? They've become masters at shoving them into the nooks and crannies of their bookshelves. It makes me crazy! And of course we can't ever get rid of anything! Everything has value and should be kept forever, even if it's broken. Makes total sense to me, how 'bout you?

Those are just the things that are on my last nerve today. What (or who) is on your last nerve today? Come on, you can vent to me. I won't tell anybody.


Pam Flora said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad to hear that other people have my exact same problems!!! My kids (and sometimes even my husband!) never replace toilet paper, paper towels, empty kleenex boxes, etc. I guess they think the elves do it at night while they are sleeping. And I can't tell you how many times I've found empty Gogurt boxes, juicebox boxes, peanut butter jars, etc. in the fridge and cupboards. And can I tell you how irritated I get when I find that they've opened the new box/jar/whatever and left the empty one! SO IRRITATING!

Anyway, good to know it's not just my lazy family. Hee.

Pam Flora said...

PS Is your husband back yet?

Anonymous said...

Wet towels thrown in the bathroom floor...

Marva said...

Yes, Shannon, you are so right! I forgot about the wet towels on the bathroom floor. That gets on my last nerve too! It's as if the kids are physically incapable of hanging those towels on the hook two feet from the shower.