Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bird Update

A few months ago I was whining about the birds flying in and out of our carport. I complained that these pesky critters were making quite the mess on the floor of the carport as well as my car, and we were looking for ideas of ways to scare them away.

My husband had attempted to use some cardboard to block the area where they'd been roosting. That worked for like a day, until they figured out they could peck and pull at the cardboard, eventually destroying it.

So Plan B included printing a photo of a scary owl and mounting it in the window in the carport. That, too, worked for a day, until the birds determined the owl wasn't real.

Plans C, D, E and F included hanging wind chimes, hanging an old CD with an eye drawn on it, hanging a tennis ball and mounting a rubber snake on the wall. Again, each of these suggested tips worked for a day or so, but the birds kept coming back.

Check this out... The bird is roosting on top of the wind chimes! Yep, we REALLY scared this guy, didn't we?

See the rubber snake to the right? The bird was perched next to it a couple of days ago.

I swear, I think the bird and his friends laugh at us sometimes. Show-off bird!

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