Friday, June 6, 2008

Remembering Dad

Today is the 1-year anniversary of my dad's passing. Memories of this time last year are a mix of happy and sad ones. I was happy to have been able to spend time with Dad before he passed away. I'm grateful he was spared any further pain. I'm also comforted knowing he's with God now and that we'll see each other again one day.

I have some sad memories as well, but rather than dwell on those, I'm choosing to reflect upon the good times. The month of June will always bring back memories of Dad because it was the month of his birth and of course Father's Day falls in June as well.

Here are a few pictures taken during the last few years of Dad's life. These were good days, full of warm, happy moments. That's how I want to see and remember Dad today.

Here Dad and I are having a conversation after having a meal at my grandmother's house. We were in the process of moving from California to Delaware in 2002 and had stopped in Kentucky to visit a few days.

Dad allowed the boys to "shoot" him with their bubble guns until they were absolutely worn out. I'm sure he had to go home and take a shower to get all the sticky, slimy bubble residue off of him. He was always a good sport where the boys were concerned.

Here Dad poses with the boys in 2004 during one of our trips to visit family in Kentucky.

I love and miss Dad very much, but thankfully, God's love, peace and comfort really do help with healing, and make it possible for me to look past the pain of loss and focus on the joy of the relationship Dad and I shared. I truly believe there's something positive in every situation. I hope whatever you're feeling and experiencing today, you're able to see the good in your situation and sense God's hand in it.


kristi said...

Awww.........I am sure you miss your dad a lot.

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute!!! You are right, focus on the good and on God's love and that will get you through the rough days.

Precious photos, something the boys will treasure.