Saturday, February 7, 2009

No sense crying over milk, spilled or otherwise

This is the kind of milk we buy week after week in the commissary. No matter the variety of milk... whole, 2%, skim... it all comes in a carton. And half-gallon cartons are the largest size available. There's no such thing as a gallon of milk in a plastic jug here.

Okay, so milk is only available in half-gallon sized cartons. So what? I'll tell you so what! These cartons are hard as the dickens to open! This little fact frustrates me to no end! I tell myself every time I have to open a new carton that THIS TIME I will open it without problems. Inevitably, the carton rips or I have to get a knife or pair of scissors to poke a hole in the "spout" to get it opened. Have mercy! Honestly, nothing should be that difficult!

Now that I've complained and moaned about the challenges of opening the milk cartons around here, I'm happy to share some good news. I was actually able to open the last carton without difficulty. I didn't have to rely on the use of any sharp, piercing devices. I didn't lose my temper, nor did my blood pressure rise several points. You can't know the empowerment this has brought me. Seriously. It's sometimes the little things that can simply make one's day.

And while I'm in my happy place, I'll also say that seeing this on our milk carton week after week is rather cool.

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