Friday, February 20, 2009

What do you think?

Here's an old Target ad from a few years ago. I came across this while searching for some old photos of my youngest son. What's the significance of this ad? Take a look at the next few photos and tell me... do any of these photos resemble the little boy in the ad? (Click on the ad or any of the photos for an enlarged view) Are they all the same kid? What's your best guess?

Okay, I'll come clean. The little boy in the ad is not my son. My son is shown in each of the following photos. Someone showed us the ad when it first came out and thought our kiddo looked very much like the little boy pictured. At the time, we could see a resemblance too. I never would have thought to have my kid pose for photos in an ad. I suppose he could have lots of money in a bank account by now. Oh well, his preschool photo is forever captured (at least for now) on the website of a photography studio where we used to live, however, the only money involved was when I paid for the photos we ordered. Hmmm... there's something wrong with that picture... no pun intended.

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