Thursday, February 14, 2008

I love being in love!

Today is Valentine's Day, the day set aside to show our love to that someone special in our lives. I've been reminiscing about how my husband and I came to be a couple... how we met and what drew us to one another. Our love story might never become a made-for-TV special, but in my heart, it's the sweetest, most romantic story ever told. And I think that's way everyone should feel about their marriage.

Both my husband and I have had previous marriages. Sometimes we refer to those marriages as "previous lives." I like to look upon that first time around as a "trial run" of sorts. That's a joke of course because it wasn't meant to be a trial run at all. I think that's part of why I feel so blessed today. I've been unhappy and felt despair in a relationship, and I never want to feel that again. My husband has felt the same. We found one another and were given a second change at happiness, and we don't take that for granted.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." Is that Elizabeth Barrett Browning? I'm not well-read, so I'm not sure, but I know I've heard that quoted so many times over the years. Makes me think about the MANY ways I love my husband. I love him because...

... he loves me.

... he makes me laugh.

... he's a patient, loving father.

... he's generous.

... he's a godly man.

... he's a big ol' softy.

... he gives the greatest hugs.

... he has kind eyes.

... he has integrity.

... he's honest without being insensitive.

... he's encouraging and positive.

... he always looks nice.

... he smells good.

... he brings me popcorn and O.J. for a late-night snack.

... he lets me vent and cry if I need to.

... he's playful.

... he cheers for my beloved UK Wildcats.

... he treats my family like they're his family.

... he tries to be here when we need him.

... he never tells my secrets.

... I can trust him.

There are lots more reasons to love this wonderful man in my life. He's my best friend and my soul mate. I love loving him and think we go together just like "peas and carrots" (Forrest Gump). I'm thankful God saw fit to bring us together and pray we have LOTS more years to be sweethearts.


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