Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why I do what I do...

I'm a stay-at-home mom. While I love being available for my family, there are times when I doubt I'm doing anything of great importance with my life. I don't think doing the laundry or the cooking or the cleaning or the grocery shopping or the errand-running or the volunteering are going to win me any big awards. It's all necessary stuff that has to be done, but let's face it... it's not rocket science!

I could have a career that earns me a substantial paycheck and perhaps a little respect to go along with it. Hmmmm... I'm envisioning going to work every day in a nice suit, perhaps carrying a briefcase, going to meetings... Important stuff!

But if I had that career, and wasn't as available for my family, my son wouldn't likely have come home yesterday, excited about the upcoming classroom Valentine's Day party, and ask me if I could possibly make some heart-shaped sugar cookies to bring when I come to help out at the party next week. Okay, I'm seeing the importance in my "job" once again and I'm reminded why I do what I do.

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