Sunday, October 5, 2008

I could get used to this!

A couple of nights ago the boys and I were invited to join some friends for an evening at a local beach in Puerto, followed by dinner at an Italian restaurant called Blanca Paloma, which just happened to be located right next to the beach (How convenient!). What a wonderful, relaxing time we had! The boys played in the sand and surf with the other kids and I got to enjoy some adult conversation with friends. Unfortunately my hubby wasn't able to join us seeing as how he was out of the country at the time, but I'm sure we'll end up there again sometime soon to experience it together. The beach was clean and very pretty, as were the surrounding restaurants, shops and nearby homes. The restaurant served delicious entrees for a decent price and they had immaculate bathrooms, definitely a bonus here in Spain. We dined outdoors, overlooking the ocean, and folks, it just doesn't get much better than this...

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